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Bring Data & Analytics to Life!

Behavioral economics tells us that we can better understand the human decision by examining the patterns they exhibit around key metrics, life events, or stimuli. At Clear Core, we use science to help us interpret the needs of the communities we serve in the same way. We can use data to have a conversation with each of your members! To see our analytics in ACTION look at the two visualizations that show how data analytics can take seemingly random events on their own and compile them over time create actionable insight.


The first example (called Chaos Probability) is simple and the second more complex (called Barseley's algorithm or Fern. Tip: start with the preset values then explore on your own!

How Predictive Analytics Work In Real-Time:
(Patterns in Random Data)

Barnsely's Fern

Behavioral economics tells us that we can better understand the human decision by examining the patterns they exhibit around key metrics, life events, or stimuli. At Clear Core, we use science to help us interpret the needs of the communities we serve in the same way. We can use data to have a conversation with each of your members! To see our analytics in ACTION look at the two visualizations that show how data analytics can take seemingly random events on their own and compile them over time create actionable insight.


The first example (called Chaos Probability) is simple and the second more complex (called Barnsley's algorithm or Fern. Tip: start with the preset values then explore on your own!

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